Recordings from Understanding Network APIs 2024 are now available

Prove the value of your services

Monetise your network

Domos Proof of Enhancement is a turnkey Network Validation solution.
Use Quality of Outcome analytics to demonstrate the value of your network upgrades and premium services to customers before they commit to a purchase.

Show Expected Value

Show clear, tangible value of your upgrades and services before customers commit to them in a way everyone can understand.

Align with Real Value

Ensure the actual improvement matches the anticipated benefits shown before purchase.

Drive New Revenue

Encourage upgrades and upsells naturally by proving their value beforehand.

Show Expected Value

Show clear, tangible value of your upgrades and services before customers commit to them in a way everyone can understand.

Align with Real Value

Ensure the actual improvement matches the anticipated benefits shown before purchase.

Drive New Revenue

Encourage upgrades and upsells naturally by proving their value beforehand.

How it works

Prove the value of your network enhancements effortlessly with pre-built SDKs.


SDK Installation

Domos App SDK is installed into the app.


QoO Analysis

Built-in QoO analytics system checks the network quality and matches it to the app's SLA.

"You have a 66% chance of a perfect session".


Network API for Connectivity Insight

A network status request is sent to Network API to obtain further connectivity insights.


Predicting Enhancements

Combining the connectivity insights with the QoO analysis, built-in analytics system can 100% predict what upgrades, premium services, or actions can improve the app's experience.


Execute QoD on Device

End users can requests Quality on Demand in an easy and natural way.


Integration with Network APIs for Upsell

Domos App SDK connects to Network APIs, allowing you to offer upgrades and premium solution that match the predicted network enhancements directly inside the app.


Root Cause Analysis

If Domos Network SDK is also installed on home Wi-Fi routers, Root Cause Analysis can be done for end-to-end connectivity insights.


Improvement Suggestion

In-app metrics clearly show how upgrades, premium services, or actions will improve the app experience and by how much.

"Get 90% better performance by prioritising this app session on the network".

Domos Proof of Enhancement uses turnkey SDKs that work both in isolation and naturally together, ensuring flexible and reliable network performance assurance.

Domos app sdk

Turnkey white-labeled SDK for your app or can be integrated into 3rd party apps.

Supported by a network of early advocates.

Domos network sdk

Turnkey SDK for existing home Wi-Fi routers or can be integrated into mobile networks.

Supported by a network of early advocates.

Hidden network potential with API predictions

Domos App SDK for 3rd party apps is supported by a network of early advocates.

Prove value inside 3rd party apps

Demonstrate the value of your network upgrades and premium services directly inside 3rd party apps, giving clear and tangible proof of improvement to all app users.

Towards a Standardised Future

As more developers adopt QoO metrics, they will become universally recognisable, building trust and reliability, and setting a new standard for accessing network quality in 3rd party apps.

Clear Network Insights

QoO metrics deliver network quality insights in a way everyone can understand.

Improved API Usage

More 3rd party developers implementing this SDK will drive higher API adoption.

Natural for End Users

End users will easily recognize the QoO metrics and the network quality display, no matter which app they are using.

Developer Friendly Integration

Quick and simple installation with pre-built SDKs makes onboarding seamless for 3rd party developers.

New Monetisation

Engage directly with your customers inside 3rd party apps. Enable network troubleshooting and upsell opportunities with the Quality of Outcome display.

Fast and easy integration with pre-built SDKs for user and network equipment


Provides in-app metrics to demonstrate how network quality impacts application performance and show users the benefits of upgrades before purchase


Creates a seamless monetisation path for upselling premium mobile and broadband services, features, and hardware


Leverages open source APIs for premium 5G, bandwidth, or Wi-Fi upgrades in 3rd party apps


Reduces latency and improves the overall speed of interactions between apps and network services


Performs root cause analysis and exposes privacy-friendly APIs for network monitoring and configuration


Connects users to the correct QoD API with root cause analysis of the network

Will you prove the value of your services?

Domos SDKs are built to work both in isolation and naturally together to ensure the most scalable Proof of Enhancement experience.

Open and standards based

Privacy and net neutrality compliant

© 2024 Domos. All rights reserved.